Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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Text File
918 lines
;$VER: Install-Script 1.1 (17.01.98)
;=== Global strings ===
(set #installer_locale 0)
; Determine language
; #installer_locale = 0: english
; = 1: deutsch
(if (= @language "deutsch") (set #installer_locale 1))
(if (= #installer_locale 0)
;=== general ===
#welcome_text (cat "This script lets you install\n" @app-name "\non your system.")
#welcome_update (cat "This script will update an existing\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
#welcome_remove (cat "This script will remove an existing\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
#error_instvers_msg (cat "You are using the installer version %ld.%ld.\n"
"This script will probably not work.\n"
"Try installing anyway ?")
#error_instvers_help (cat "Get the most resent version from http://www.amiga.de\nVersion 42.9+ is required.")
#action_prompt (cat "What do you want to do ?")
#action_help (cat "Select an action to perform.")
#action_install (cat "Install")
#action_update (cat "Update")
#action_remove (cat "Remove")
#cpu_too_low (cat "You have installed a " (database "cpu") " processor, but a 68020 processor "
"is minimal required in order to use " @app-name ".\nI'm quitting now...")
;=== program files ===
#askdest_prompt (cat "Select destination for " @app-name ". A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
#askdest_help (cat "Select the destination drawer for " @app-name ". A new drawer will be generated.")
#files2copy_prompt (cat "Select main program to install.")
#files2copy_help (cat "Select the program file to install according to the processor your system has.")
#copycopy_prompt (cat "The %s version of " @app-name " will be copied.")
#copycopy_help (cat #copycopy_prompt)
;=== catalogs ===
#catalog_f2c_prompt (cat "Select language catalog to copy.")
#catalog_f2c_help (cat "Select the language(s) to install.")
#getcat_prompt (cat "Select target drawer for catalog(s). A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
#getcat_help (cat "Normally, select the drawer the main program was installed to. "
"A new drawer will be generated, if necessary. "
"LOCALE: would be another option.")
#copycat_prompt (cat "Copying %s catalog...")
#copycat_help (cat "The %s catalog files will be copied.")
;=== guide ===
#guide_f2c_prompt (cat "Select documentation to install.")
#guide_f2c_help (cat "Select documentation language you like to install.")
#getdoc_prompt (cat "Select destination for documentation. A drawer will be created, if necessary.")
#getdoc_help (cat "Normally, select the drawer the main program was installed to. "
"A new drawer will be generated, if necessary.")
#copydoc_prompt (cat "Copying documentation...")
#copydoc_help (cat "The %s documentation will be copied.")
#copydoc_misc_pmt (cat "Copying miscellaneous documentation...")
#copydoc_misc_hlp (cat "Some additional texts will be copied.")
;=== arexx ===
#rexx_f2c_prompt (cat "Install arexx examples ?")
#rexx_f2c_help (cat "Select wether to install the example arexx files or not.")
#rexx_dest_prompt (cat "Select arexx example drawer. A new drawer will be created, if necessary.")
#rexx_dest_help (cat "Select a drawer into which the example arexx files will be installed. "
"A new drawer will be generated, if necessary.")
#rexx_copy_prompt (cat "Copying arexx examples...")
#rexx_copy_help (cat "The arexx example files will be copied.")
;=== wbstartup ===
#cpy_wbstartup_prompt (cat "Start " @app-name " automatically every time you boot ?")
#cpy_wbstartup_help (cat "An icon will be copied to SYS:WBStartup/ drawer. Every time you boot "
@app-name " will be started automatically. Select the program version "
"to be started.")
#cpy_wbstart_none (cat "No")
#wbstart_prompt (cat "The %s client will be started on boot time.")
#wbstart_help (cat "The selected version of " @app-name " will be started during booting.")
;=== tooltypes ===
#ttype_prefs_prompt (cat "Since %s is a commodity some setup is required.\n"
"Type the keys which will bring up the preferences window, "
"for example\n'lshift lalt v' (= left shift + left alt + v):"
#ttype_prefs_help (cat "Type in a combination of keys, but without then \'.")
#ttype_load_prompt (cat "Type the keys which will bring up a file load requester:")
#ttype_load_help (cat "Same as previous. " #ttype_prefs_help)
#ttype_popup_prompt (cat "Should the preferences window open automatically after program start ?")
#ttype_popup_help (cat "You can change this later via the tooltype CX_POPUP=<YES|NO>.")
#ttype_set_prompt (cat "The requested changes to the %s program icon will be made.")
#ttype_set_help (cat "All changes can be manually altered later.")
;=== update drawer ===
#update_dest_prompt (cat "Locate " @app-name "'s executable(s):")
#update_dest_help (cat "Select the drawer where " @app-name "'s executable(s) resides in.")
#update_f2c_prompt (cat "Select executables to update:")
#update_f2c_help (cat "Select that executable(s) which should be updated.")
#update_cat_prompt (cat "Select drawer where old catalogs were installed:")
#update_cat_help (cat "This should be either the drawer where the executables reside in "
"or LOCALE:")
#update_no_exe (cat "Couldn't find files to update. Exitting...")
;=== remove drawer ===
#remove_safe_prompt (cat "Do you really want to delete your\n" @app-name "\ninstallation ?")
#remove_safe_help (cat "This is the last chance to cancel !!!")
#remove_del_prompt (cat "Deleting old\n" @app-name "\ninstallation.")
#remove_del_help (cat "You will get no second chance to quit !!!")
#remove_no_exe (cat "Didn't find " @app-name " executable(s) in selected drawer. Exitting...")
; Deutsch
(if (= #installer_locale 1)
;=== general ===
#welcome_text (cat "Dieses Script installiert\n" @app-name "\nauf Ihrem System.")
#welcome_update (cat "Dieses Script erneuert eine vorhandene Installation von\n" @app-name)
#welcome_remove (cat "Dieses Script entfernt eine vorhandene Installation von\n" @app-name)
#error_instvers_msg (cat "Sie benutzen den Installer in der Version %ld.%ld.\n"
"Die Installations wird wahrscheinlich nicht funktionieren.\n"
"Installation dennoch versuchen ?")
#error_instvers_help (cat "Die neueste Version ist zu finden unter http://www.amiga.de\nVersion 42.9+ wird benötigt.")
#action_prompt (cat "Was wollen Sie ausführen ?")
#action_help (cat "Wählen Sie eine Aktion.")
#action_install (cat "Installieren")
#action_update (cat "Erneuern")
#action_remove (cat "Entfernen")
#cpu_too_low (cat "Sie haben einen " (database "cpu") " Prozessor installiert, aber um " @app-name
" zu benutzen, benötigen Sie